Friday, January 4, 2013

Make your own moon dough NEW sensory play

We love to mix and explore around the house to make fun sensory play. My kids love cloud dough but it doesn't always stick together to mold very easy.

So the other night I was experimenting and mixed corn starch and hair gel together to see what it would do. Well it made some AWESOME moon dough(that is what I am going to call it)

It molded GREAT and was also soft. This is a must try sensory play for kids.

No joke "J" who is 4 y/o spend several hours playing and had so much fun.

"C" had alot of fun playing as well, big brother was just taking over.

Materials are very inexpensive:
Corn starch $1.00 for 16oz from grocery store
Clear Hair gel $1.00 for 12oz from Dollar Tree, I got unscented cause we like to add scents to our play.

There is alot of sensory fun play you can have with this DIY....MOON DOUGH.

 We added black beans in as rocks for the construction site sensory bin.

How to make:
Mix 32 oz of corn starch and 1 cup of hair gel together. We also added a little brown tempra paint in to give it that dirt look.

The bin we use for alot of our sensory play is from Home Depot it is a cement mixing tub cost is $5.00. Well worth the money and will get lots of use of it.

Be sure to check back next week cause we have another fun twist that we will be adding to this for some more sensory play.

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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