Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reindeer family ornaments with popscile sticks

Fun and easy reindeer craft to make with kids. You can use this craft as a magnet or an ornament either way is fun.

Popscile sticks large and small
Fuzzy craft balls (red)
Googley eyes
The above products were Craft Project supplies from Wal-Mart
Brown paint to paint the reindeer.
Craft glue

We used small and large popscile sticks to make a family of reindeer's for our tree.

When making you have the the kids glue together or you can use the glue gun. I used a glue gun so we could do the craft right away and not have to wait and come back. "J" did glue some of them and we let them dry.

"J" used our Scented glitter for his reindeers and "C" painted with scented brown paint, just added some cinnamon scented oil from the Dollar Tree in their candle section, smelled great.

Be sure to check out the other fun ornaments we have been doing like Christmas Tree Ornament, DIY...kid themed ornaments and Recycled light bulb snowman ornament.

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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