Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin person

We love to make crafts and momma loves all the fun keepsakes of the hand/foot prints to see how the kids grow each year.

So if you have been following you know we have been doing alot of fun crafts for Halloween with paper plates. If you haven't seen them be sure to check them out here.

Today we made Mr. Pumpkin. Painted the paper plate orange, put our foot prints on a white piece of paper and cut them out, then glued the face and feet onto the pumpkin plate.

You can add hand prints as well but we didn't this time.

Fun, easy and again inexpensive.

"J" was so cute laughing at his pumpkin, he said "mom, he has no arms." Laughing like crazy.

If you like to make paper plate crafts be sure to check out our fun Scented apple pie paper plate. Also, be sure to check back to see some more Fall ones we will be making.
Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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