Friday, October 12, 2012

Halloween orange and black sensory fun play

We have had alot of fun with all the Halloween sensory play things we have done and we haven't played with the rice sensory in awhile.

So I colored the rice with orange kool-aid and added black bean to the mix for Halloween colors. Then added some  of  their toys and little pumpkin/skeleton buckets to pour things in and out.

"J" and "C" had a blast and no joke spent an hour playing with this.

How to color the rice with kool-aid click here. Kool-aid Rice

For the container we use a cement bin from Home Depot cost is $5.00 well worth it.

If you like Halloween sensory play make sure you check out the other fun things we have done here.

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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