Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall leaf number learning tree bath

We are learning the site of numbers and "J" always loves doing games in the tub. So I put together this Fall Number Tree for bath time.

I got the fall foam leaves from the Dollar section at Target and the tree as well. You can also, cut the leaves out of foam yourself. (Foam sticks to the wall when wet)

Wrote numbers on the leaves and got a bucket for "J" to put the leaves in when we were picking the number leaves from the tree. Below is the song I sang to him.

Song we sang: (Tune is to Are you Sleeping?)

Picking leaves
picking leaves
One by one
one by one
Put number (Blank) in the basket
put number (blank) in the basket
Oh what fun
Oh what fun

"J" really enjoyed playing this game.

If you like this learning activity you might want to check out our apple one as well. Apple learning tree

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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