Monday, October 15, 2012

DIY.....Spider party favor bag

I love putting together party's and this year "J" is old enough to enjoy a Halloween party so we are having one. I wanted to make something fun for the kids to take their treats home in so the idea came to me when we were making fun Halloween plates.
This is super easy and very inexpensive to make.
"J" painted the plates, and stapled the pipe cleaners to the plate for me. This is a great fine motor craft for kids.
 Supplies are listed in the picture below.
Cut the plate in half and then staple the outside.

Paint the outside of the plate black, then cut the 2 pipe cleaners into 4 pieces for each side of the plate, after that staple the legs on and the string, place your eyes on and you have a cute party favor bag.
The picture below shows the favor bag full of goodies. I got some orange grass from Target dollar section stuffed with that. Then added stickers, pencils and a lollipop. You can fill with whatever you would like.

If you like doing Halloween crafts be sure to check out the other fun we have done. Pumpkin Paper plate, Witch paper plate, Spider paper plate and Ghost paper plate

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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