Thursday, September 20, 2012

Make your own number learning apple tree

Since Fall is almost here, I put together an apple tree for learning the site of numbers. Then found this song and changed the words alittle and we sang it.

"J" loves music so he thought this was so fun.

You can print the apples for free from this link. Free Apple printables

Then I just laminated the apples cut them out and drew an apple tree on a small tri-fold display board. Used double sticky tape for the apples.

Fun learning and very inexpensive to put together. Also, folds up nice for storage. Great for home or in the classroom.

Tri-fold display board ($1.59 @ Wal-Mart)
Green and brown marker
Printed apples (free)
Lamination ($.70 @ Lakeshore Learning)
Double sticky tape

Song we sang: (Tune is to Are you Sleeping?)

Picking apples
 picking apples
One by one
 one by one
Put number (Blank) in the basket
 put number (blank) in the basket
Oh what fun
 Oh what fun

We used the little sand bucket to put the apples in.

If you like inexpensive learning fun for your preschooler make sure to check out some of the links below. Number fun in the bath, Fishing in the sea for alphabets, Scooping up letters for spelling, and Alphabet ice sensory fun.

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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