Monday, September 10, 2012

15+ things you can do with Kool-Aid


Food coloring can get expensive using a lot of it, so I started using kool-aid in its place. Well it has worked great and has brought a lot of fun to our play.

There are so many ways you can use kool-aid. I have gathered a list of things we have done and over time there will be more to add, so be sure to check back.

Also, kool-aid is $.20.  What better way to have fun then to add a little scent to your play.

                       Note you can mix kool-aid in with store bought play-doh as well for a fun smell

       3. Kool-aid spray paint art

        5. You can make Kool-Aid lava for the volcano's.....makes the vinegar smell alittle better.

Don't have a post for this but we use this for the lava when we do volcano's with baking soda

             7. Make your own scented paints

        8. Kool-aid colored pasta

                  11. Kool-aid tea party fun great for a hot day!!

     12. Yogurt paints

    13. Rainbow cupcakes

14. Dyed Eggs

We did this at Easter and all you have to do is add water and a little vinegar to the kool-aid and it dyed the eggs.

   16. Goop science 

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. Be sure to come follow us on

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