Monday, June 25, 2012

Making sun fruit tea

With summer here and the weather HOT, thought it would be neat to show J what happens when you place tea bags in the water and leave it in the sun.

So I had J fill up the jug with water and add the tea bags in, then we placed it in the sun and waited.
I think that was the hardest part for J so I had to keep him busy and his mind off the tea.

He was so excitied to see what was going to happen, he kept asking to check on the tea. It was cute.

We came back several hours later and the water turned brown, J's face was priceless when he saw that.

So it was ready we added some strawberries and sugar to it.

Love how the simple things in life can have so much excitement from kids.

Great summer fun for the kids.

Adding water

Adding tea bags (2)

Can you tell he was REALLY excited

Love this picture J was just so happy about this tea.

Cutting up the strawberries

Adding sugar

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