Today my son turned 4, man where has time gone. Just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with him. Never thought I could love something/someone so much, til I first saw him and brought him home.
We have always made a big deal for birthdays, I remember as a kid that was our special day and we got to do whatever we wanted for the day, within
So as a Mom I wanted to carry that tradition on for our kids.
Asked J what he wanted to do and he said stay home and play, play, and more play. So we did.
1st we opened up his gifts.
My mom came into town last night to be with him for his special day. Meme got him a camping set so we played camp-out and we had a blast.
Next he opened his gift from Grand-dad and that was a tool bench he has wanted. So, I had to put it together for him and we played tools.
Then he got a power wheel 4 wheeler from mom and dad, rode on it.
Sissy(his sister) got him a mud pie baking set.....we made a birthday mud pie cake and had a tea party.
Then dinner at his FAVORITE place to eat Japanese Steakhouse. The craziest thing happened when we went to dinner, we sat with another blogging family that was visiting from Texas on vacation.
Make sure you check out It was so nice to meet her and her family. What nice people. Look forward to getting to know you more.
Well as you can see we had a busy day, think we will need to be resting tomorrow.
But, after all said and done, tonight when I tucked him in J said, "Mom I had that best day today, thank you!" Well I had tears in my eyes.
Love you Bubby.....Happy Birthday sweet boy.

Forgot til I was getting pictures we also did bubble love the bubble machine |
This was the mud pie and flavored tea |
We were signing Happy Birthday, then he ate his cupcake. |