Friday, May 25, 2012

Pirate treasure water sensory 5

Today we wrapped up the Pirate week. My son had a blast, sure we will be doing more fun play with the Pirate's.

I took the little pool we had and set it all up with fun Pirate stuff. Placed jewels, treasure, sand, colored water, boats, shells and cups.

I made a some what pirate map for play.....not a big artist, but he thought is was cool so that's all that counts at this

We spent an hour playing, then it got alittle HOT outside so we came in. J made pirate juice, we searched for treasure, he drove the boat (slide was our boat), was a great time of play.

This was the first time I did a week long theme and I am not sure who had more fun me getting it ready each day or him doing the play. We will for sure be doing another themed week.

J making Pirate juice

Checking the map, then opened the bottle and thought it was cool his name was on the paper.

Pirate "J"
If your kids are into Pirates make sure you check out our other fun Pirate Theme fun.
Pirate Bath Time , Pirate sensory ice play , Make your own treasure box

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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