Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pirate fun bath

"J" loves Jake and the Never Land Pirates so this whole pirate week he is loving!!

Tonight we did a pirate bath, J really liked this. Filled the tub with blue food coloring, added shells, treasure, necklaces, and put the pirate boat in the bath. Have to say it was too cute listening to J pretend play. He loves that word ARRR.

Then I got a couple pirate books we have and read them to him.

If your kids are into Pirates make sure you check out our other fun Pirate Theme fun.
Pirate Ocean Senory Play , Pirate sensory ice play , Make your own treasure box

Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. If you like what you see please come and follow us over on FB and Pinterest, would love to have you. Also, please feel free to share the fun things you are doing with us.

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