Monday, April 30, 2012

Day at the Zoo

We went out with the mommy's group for a fun day at the Reston Zoo. It was my daughters first time at the Zoo and she had me laughing.

Well we can say she is not scared of the animals like her brother is. She feed them all and even tried to pet the buffalo when it came up to us on the tractor ride. 19 months and not fears.

J loved the turtles

Feeding the chickens

J thought it was so cool the turtles had a tunnel.

Feeding the lambs

Big goat.....she was crazy loved all the animals

BIG snake good thing there was glass there

Yes on the tractor ride we were this close to the animals. C tried to pet the buffalo

Yes he is that close to use when we were on the tractor ride

J was the happiest boy on the this little boy


Thanks for stopping by to see what fun stuff we are doing. Be sure to come follow us on

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