Today's East Anglian Daily Times reports,
Plastic bags could soon become a thing of the past in Suffolk as councils and businesses work together to eliminate their use.But is there cause for celebration yet?
The same report goes on...
Aldeburgh - No official campaign to reduce plastic bag usage.Maybe they could try harder?
Bury St Edmunds - “We are trying to encourage people to use plastic bags less but we recognise sometimes you just need one.”
Eye - The town council has not yet formally discussed the issue.
Felixstowe - “We are currently looking into schemes before the next town council meeting.”
Hadleigh - No measures currently in place by the town council.
Leiston - Self-regulation is working well.
Southwold - No policy on plastic bags is currently in place.
Sudbury - “... it is really down to the individual to economise and reuse bags.”
For more on plastic bags, see the Abolish Plastic Bags website.