Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fitness and Fundraising

The children used to play on the Village Hall car park after lunch, and have their games lessons there too, because the school playground is too small. Now the surface of the car park is so bad that it is dangerous for children to run about on.

Children and (adults?) need to be active, so the school is hoping to provide a fenced, all weather surface area on the meadow, between the school and the village hall. This facility will be available for the whole community to use.

It will cost a lot of money and although there are grants that can be applied for, I expect that the recycling fund will be called upon to help. We raise about £1,000 each year from the material that is brought to our recycling centre on the end of the playground. The cartridge recycling supported by Takeback Ltd has always brought in much more.

So this year, we shall we shall be doubling our efforts to get people and companies to support our recycling efforts. Helping the environment and the health of our community!!!

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