Wednesday, March 7, 2007

This is what we do!

Now there are two different aspects for out recycling activities. The Communuity Recycling Centre on the end of the playground where there are collection bins for villagers to use for their recyclable waste We then receive money in the form of weight credits from Babergh District council, and the value of the shoes and aluminium cans from Black Country Rags and Whip Street Motors.
The Recycling Centre has inspired the pupils environmental work, in fact the school was awarded the Eco-schools, Green Flag in 2002.

Takeback Limited
of Thetford collects cartridges from all the local and national companies that support our school and we receive a monthly cheque for their market value. In fact, since August 1996 the recycling fund has transferred £96,000 into the school's account to buy extra resources for our pupils. About 90% of the extra money derives from our cartridge recycling This scheme is brilliant.

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